Saturday, August 9, 2008

The History of Freemasonry in BiH

Era of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1870-1919)
Free-Masonic circle in Bosnia and Herzegovina existed as part of a larger Austro-Hungarian Masonry chains.
Era of Yugoslavia Kingdom (1919-1940)
Free-Masonic Lodges in Bosnia and Herzegovina existed as part of Grand Lodge of Kongdom of Yugoslavia.
Era of II. World war (1941-1945)
Lodges dismantled. Active Freemasonry in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not existed.
Era of Socialist Federate Republic of Yugoslavia (1945-1991)
After the Second World War Free Masonic Lodges could not be reestablished, due to the regime.
Freemasonry in the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1999 - 2006)
1999. Grand Lodge of Austria and Grand Lodge of Slovenia had assisted in organization of the first Lodge in Bosnia and Herzegovina, although non-independent Deputation Lodge, named “LUX BOSNIAE”.
International Freemasonry Lodge (2008)
In February 2008 the first Freemasonry Lodge for Bosnian citizens and internationals, "Vijecnica", was founded in Sarajevo. "Vijecnica" is the only lodge open for male and female as well!

Join the lodge "Vijecnica"!

To all Bosnian citizens and internationals working or living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The free masonic lodge "Vijecnica" is existing since the beginning of the year 2008 and is seeking for interested, tolerant people full of humanity and the will to support the country. We are a so called liberal lodge accepting female and male as well. The origin, the language, the colour, the religion are no points to discuss. Just the spirit and tolerance is important. If you are interested to join us, than send an e-mail to!