To all Bosnian citizens and internationals working or living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The free masonic lodge "Vijecnica" is existing since the beginning of the year 2008 and is seeking for interested, tolerant people full of humanity and the will to support the country. We are a so called liberal lodge accepting female and male as well. The origin, the language, the colour, the religion are no points to discuss. Just the spirit and tolerance is important. If you are interested to join us, than send an e-mail to!
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Jako zanimljivo.. A kako postati Vaš član?
Zašto ne, uvijek dobro za čovjeka.
Postanimo bolji ljudi. Pomozimo drugima. Ujedinimo se, budimo jedno.
Učimo zajedno, budimo ono što jesmo.
Mi smo samo ljudi.
Nemojte gubiti vjeru u sebe.
Ljudi su danas navikli da prepričavaju i govore o nečemu, a da pri tome nisu ni upoznati o čemu govore. Zato radite za svoje dobro ono što mislite da je važno za Vas. I zbog ljudi oko sebe za koje znate da nisu dobri, ono što radite zadržite za sebe. Kao tajnu ili podjelite sa onima koji rade sa vama isto. Sa sebi sličnima se samo družite i govorite. Ostali su samo ostali. Ja sam ja, a on je on.
fino bi bilo ! ali zidari moraju imati teznju prema uspjehu a ne teznju prema poretku !!!!
ja sam ja i samim tim posebnim razmisljanjem poticem ostale na razmisljanje ka putu slobodne misli !
rado bi pomogao bratstvu , vise informacija bi bila velika pomoc !
Dobro jutro,
Zelim da znam da li postoji the Order of the Eastern Star kod nas u Bosni?
Unaprijed hvala
Kako postati clan ??? Emailom ili ??
How many times I have proved that I am in her honor?
How many times?
You have not heard.
She noticed me she still harbors I need to make a complete,
I am part of that is wanted,
I'm part of which is less than half his life searching,
I'm feeling for her what he craved before and did not know what it is.
She found me, summoned me.
I came, I made from her new person.
The new words,
illuminated with the light and left one part that could remember what it was.
I love her.
I would come to her in a dream.
Left a mark.
She loved me.
Found you using my characters.
Do not worry I cherish it.
I am an emissary, was sent to each one.
Our Lord is coming.
It will be illuminated, and more than you think.
Our Lord sends you a message:
"Open your eyes, because only then you can see the true light."
By : ME
Jebo bi vas nešto pitat ?
Hmnn, Allahu dragi ovim prosvijetljenim haman svjetlo smeta, sprzilo im mozgove
E Jeste svi popucali ko krofne
Peace,unity,prosperity are our common goals ..put behind hate and sectarianism!!!
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